Wednesday, 7 August 2013

So what's happening?

All has been quiet on the blog since the end of May. You may be thinking that we are  perhaps dumbstruck after  having to say 'farewell' to the Chambers family at the end of their inspiring ten months in our midst.

Well, sad as it was to see them go, we have not been moping about, awaiting better times!  In fact  a great deal has been going on.  The AGM in June meant  some changes on the eldership. The new elders team is  busily  involved in the process of seeking  a new minister.

We  were successful in being awarded a £500 grant  from the URC for  an 'Art talk' project and plans are underway for a launch in September.   Contact is being made with schools and community groups in Pontypridd, inviting them to  submit photographs which say something about our community. We hope to be able to offer workshops to help with the technical challenge of producing good photographs.

In March we shall stage an exhibition in the church, inviting as many people as possible to  look at, and reflect on  our community, Pontypridd, in pictures.

The  various visual contributions will be a stimulus for us as a church to  review what we see our role to be, (or  our mission to be) in our local community.

We have also received a £700 grant from the URC Mission and Development Fund which will enable us to send two people to a course at the Windermere Centre, to redesign the church website. We'll be holding an open meeting early in September, before they go,  for people to chip in their ideas about  for a new website.

We are pleased to see the church almost back to normal as the work  to install a new heating system is  almost finished. We can look forward in confidence to a warmer winter than the last one.. inside the building, at least.

And there has been another successful  Holiday Club. That deserves a separate  entry!

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