Sunday, 31 July 2011

Holiday Club '11 - Thursday, Wednesday


Today's song was "Make a difference" (Fischy Music again), which was a favourite with the children. It has a catchy tune and actions which are easy to pick up.
We had arranged 4 activities which the kids did in groups on a 15 minute rotation. There were drama games, sporty games, card making, and mosaics on cream crackers. All of these went down well and were thoroughly enjoyed.


A musical day! The main activity of the day was creating musical instruments out of recycled objects which were then used as part of a rhythms/'stomp' session. We had instruments that could be shaken, strummed, blown, plucked and scraped.

Ponty's Got Talent stuck with the musical theme today also. Most of the acts were singers or instrumentalists.
They also had the chance to paint Monday's clay creations.
At the end of the morning, before our daily recap, we had a campfire-style sing-a-long outside, with actions.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Holiday Club '11 - Tuesday

Today we heard the story of Solomon's wisdom which illustrated the theme of the day - problem solving.

Today was also the first day of Ponty's Got Talent where a few of the acts that had signed up the previous day were chosen to show their talent to the rest of us - one of the leaders amazed us with her knitted/sewn creations. The plan is to see a few contributions each morning this week.

I led the games with the younger group, the best of which was called 'Parts of the body on the floor' in groups of about 6. The game 'Nellie the Elephant' was great fun to watch as the kids clambered under legs whilst holding hands.

The next challenge, in groups of 3, was to protect an egg so that it survived a throw from the upstairs window (they were hard boiled, don't worry). We improvised parachutes out of the given materials, but some were still badly smashed when we checked them later.

While the last groups were throwing their eggs, the rest of us moved on to the next game which was a 'Sock washing line feely bag game'.
Again we finished with a recap of the mornings theme.

Holiday Club '11 - Monday


The Creation was the theme for today, so we were all reminded of the story in Genesis. We sang "Sing to the Music Maker, Sing to the one creator", "Isn't it just a wonderful world..." and "Creativity" which was the song for the week (Fischy Music).

Later, the kids sculpted clay creations and we were all really impressed with their imaginative ideas. We had a purse of money, a rowing boat, pizzas, a rocket, bowling alleys and many more.

This was followed by a relay race involving pictures of the creation and glue.