More than 30 of us joined together to enjoy the fellowship of an Easter breakfast through the shared food that we’d brought along and celebration through worship and singing.
In church later on, we thought about Jesus as the Way Maker. He has cleared the path, set out and shown us the Way of love, for us to continue along.
He asks us not to let the story finish at the empty tomb, as in the original ending to Mark’s Gospel, but to ensure a never-ending story by going out into the world ourselves and living his message of love and peace.Jesus is with us in dark times and happy times. He has experienced everything that we might face in life - triumphs and disasters - and understands us through our grief and joy.
Today was a special day for me - as I was welcomed as a member of St David's Uniting Church (again - it's a long story!)
This is Claire's testimony, as she told it:
‘Life is a journey and the path isn’t always straight and smooth – that’s for certain! My life and faith journeys have taken some interesting turns, including a few major detours – I have taken the long way back to the path that leads me back to the door of St David’s Uniting Church. I am certain that God was with me every step of the way – I never thought otherwise. He patiently held the map whilst I said ‘let’s try this road; why not go up that path?’ until I finally realised that I knew all along where my true spiritual base was, the place from which all my life’s travels could commence – and so here I am and I think God has put that particular map down with a sigh of relief! Goodness knows there are plenty of other maps we’re wrestling with in MY life, so it’s good to fold one up and put it away!
Now I am back in my spiritual home – and I don’t refer to the building, of course: rather, I speak of you, my friends. I am amongst people who know me, my quirks, my faults, as well as my strengths and, dare I say it, my gifts – and accept me with open arms: ‘Just as I am, Lord’, to quote a song. Also, St David’s Uniting feels so right for me, as I think we hold common beliefs and shared perspectives.
On my journey, I have been grateful for God’s ever-present love but it feels even stronger and more protective from within the embrace of you all. Therefore, I pray that renewed strength will guide and help me through my continuing journey, that others may come to see Jesus through my words and actions. I pray that I will be able to give you all the same love and support you show me and that I will be a busy and useful member of St David’s Uniting Church as we take our place in God’s wider church, wherever all our journeys take us.
Thank you, my friends, for your loving, warm welcome: it feels so good to be back and I intend that my ‘stay’ will be a long one.’
The Grace, Peace and Love of the risen Jesus be with you all,
Claire Hughes
Reflections for our Journey to Easter were inspired by our worship through the week. Thoughts and pictures have been contributed by Fiona, Ben, Sue T, Kath, Lesley, Enid, Michael, Marcia, Cerys and Claire.